Well it has been a whirlwind week from departing from Maryland in the winter, through spending some relaxing time in Charleston where Gerry continues to impress the medical community with her outstanding progress to date, to getting here in Ft. Pierce, FL where we have been enhancing the boat and provisioning her to get ready to make our crossing to the Abacos.
Before doing so we spent some high quality time with Shana and Josh and Sabin and his new sister Marina.
It is amazing how attentive she is to everyone and just at 3 1/2 months old. She is a cutie.
We augmented our power capability this year with the addition of a flexible solar panel. So in addition to our 135 watt Kyocera panel and Air X Wind Generator we now have an additional 100 watts of dc power to keep us electrified while off the grid. In addition we added a dc to dc Power Converter to up our 12.6 volts to 13.8 volts for our Single Side Band HF radio for better transmit capability hopefully. (We continue to be hf radio challenged to get it to perform. Hopefully, this will lead to an improvement.
It is amazing how much stuff it takes to get ready to leave. Here is this year's load.
While here in Ft. Pierce got a new car for Gerry to run around in. That's here leaving Publix.
So looks like we will be departing Ft. Pierce tomorrow sometime for Lake Worth, FL with an crossing attempt on Monday, February 13, 2017.
A few days after we get across we will give you all another installment of our 2017 Abacos adventure.
Till then
Team Galileo
Gerry & Larry